Monday, January 10, 2011

Getting closer

So, I've finished my rule tweaks and rewrites for AD&D, and typed up all the spell lists through 3rd level. I printed it all out double-sided, 3-hole punched it and put it in a binder. Well over 100 pages of stuff. A true monument to my geekery.

Don't be dissuaded, as the vast majority of those pages are for spell descriptions. The core rules are maybe 1/5 the total of the document so far.

I've also been going through the first adventure and making notes, as well as making full-fledged character sheets for the really important Non-Player Characters. All we need now are the players themselves.

So, here are the folks who for-sure are playing:

My wife, Anne, will be playing a Gnome Illusionist/Thief.

Jenn Dittrich will be playing a true Fighter of some sort (as opposed to a Ranger or Paladin).

Diana Hedgpeth will be playing. She said she is fine playing any class. I've rolled up a Druid for her, but that is not set in stone at this point. 

Jeff Kyllo and Jehan Moulton-Kyllo will be playing, but their characters have yet to be chosen.

The maybes include the following:

Zach Mandeville has expressed interest, but I haven't got a solid yes from him.

Hillary Hunt would like to play, but she is a very, very busy lady.

Damond Crump had expressed interest a very long time back, but I don't know how busy he is with his current gaming group.

I'm sure my brother Matt would be interested, but he has kids. Kids tend to be a time commitment, after all.

That makes five for-sure members, and four or more alternates. A party of 7 would be ideal, but it will work with 5, if the character types are well represented and balanced.

So, with that in mind, who's interested, and what character do you wish to play? Comment on this post, and be heard!

-Mike Keith

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